TAWGEAR proudly supports many local and national charities.

Join TAW in donating to the organizations listed below.

Gilda’s House-Madison, WI

Valerie Hirsch, the owner of TAW became aware of Gilda’s House-Madison when a close friend developed breast cancer. Her friend had a very dire diagnosis and underwent a double mastectomy and many chemo treatments. When she started losing her hair, we had a head shaving party with the movie GI Jane playing in the background. She had many friends there, and many were new ones she had gained going to Gilda’s House. It was a powerful experience. As she continued treatment, I began to learn more and more about how Gilda’s House not only supports the ill, but families directly affected by any cancer.

After touring Gilda’s House, I really could appreciate the welcoming environment for the entire family, young and old to find support, education, exercise and respite through their entire journey with cancer. While visiting, when I learned they offered coping classes for the children of sick parents, I knew immediately I had to get involved with this organization. “Our children lose their innocence so quickly in today’s world. And the fear of losing a parent is something that will stay with them forever.”

I also appreciated that all the monies donated to Gilda’s House stays in Madison with the community. Their administrative fees are minimal, and most goes to those in need and the oasis of Gilda’s House.

As I get older, the list continues to grow of names of people I know affected by cancer. We all know someone who has been touched by this horrible disease. Gilda’s house is one of the answers to coping until we are finally are able to find a cure.

If you wish to donate also or contact this facility, please see here:


Through Gilda’s House I was put into contact with Mary Gooze who has committed her life to raising awareness and funds for Metastatic Breast Cancer as well as fight her own personal battle with this disease. She started her own charity called One Woman, Many Lakes. She swims lakes all over the country to bring awareness to an often-neglected area of cancer. I admire this woman’s strength and bravery in her journey. As a company, we attended her “die-in” at the Capital that received national attention, and donated product to hand out to those who attended. If you would like more information or send a donation, please see:

We honor the sacrifices and courage everyday of our service members including firefighters and police officers. Valerie Hirsch,the owner, personally has family members who served, and gave the ultimate sacrifice. She carries deep appreciation every day for the freedoms we have been provided in this beautiful country we live in.

“I am grateful every day for these freedoms especially being able to have my own business as a woman. When I started this company in 2001, it was a battle to be taken seriously in the business world. I’m glad that more and more generations are able to realize their dreams as entrepreneurial women with freedom and independence. Women are more empowered today, and we donate to Wounded Warrior Project because their missions is the same as ours, to honor and empower. We need to give back in whatever way we can for service people as they adjust to their new normal and achieve new triumphs. WWP is equipped to serve warriors with every type of injury from the physical to the invisible wounds of battle. Please consider joining us and donate to those who have stood on the wall to protect our freedoms. They make a difference in our lives everyday, please make a difference in theirs.
